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GreenEduLARP Project

This project aims at using the tool of EduLARP (Educational Live Action Role Playing) for Climate Change Education (CCE). This way students but also teachers – as involved participants- will be connecting the topics related to Climate Change learned in classroom with real-life situations, therefore relating to their own life, making connections also on how green their life and attitude are.

The aims of the project are:

1) to empower teachers with new competences in environmental education using LARP.

2) to enhance students with confidence and agency skills through the LARPing methodology and teamwork while also learning about climate change and building concepts around it,

3) to create accessible online material for further use and capitalization,

4) to build a transnational strategy on how to adapt EduLARP methodology in school curricula.

With the first expected result the GEL Curriculum, we aim to support late primary and secondary education teachers, implement the GEL methodology in school with LARPing for students towards a greener changemaking attitude using scenarios to trigger behavioral shift and action.

Download more informations from 1st newsletter & check the site of the project


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