GreenEduLARP's first implementation year is almost done.

The GreenEdu Larp project's first year is almost done. During the first months, the project team prepared a mapping of EduLARPs’ situation and educational contexts in Estonia, Greece, Sweden, Polan. During this period Project. A project web page has launched and newsletters were prepared. More intensive work is waiting for the project team next year, when The and 3-day GEL training workshop will be held in Mełgiew in Poland. During the workshop, the different elements of the GEL Curriculum, teachers’ toolkit, AV Hub and Strategy will be presented and explained. The workshop will be chaired by LV and NP and facilitated by expert trainers from partner organisations.
The GreenEduLarp (GEL) curriculum provides experiences for students to develop the necessary skills (i.e. agency, creative thinking, interpersonal skills, problem-solving) that will transform them into creative and critical thinkers and progressively green changemakers. The GEL curriculum introduces EduLARP (Educational Live Action Role Playing) as a means to act against climate change in schools. From raising awareness on environmental issues (knowledge acquired) towards concrete actions of primary and secondary education students. The GEL aspires to foster problem-solving for climate change and critical thinking, creativity, and teamwork competencies as well as shift students’ mindset towards taking action against environmental problems in their community while developing soft skills and confidence.