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Green Actions in School using Educational Live-Action Role-Playing (EduLARP)”     

Erasmus +

Project nr 2021-1-EE01-KA220-SCH-000032573

Project GreenEduLARP aims at using the tool of EduLARP for Climate Change Education (CCE). This way students but also teachers – as involved participants- will be connecting the topics related to Climate Change learned in the classroom with real-life situations, therefore more easily relating them to their own life, making connections also on how green their life and attitude is.

The aims of the project are:

  • to empower teachers with new competencies in environmental education using LARP,

  • to enhance students with confidence and agency skills through the LARPing methodology and teamwork while also learning about climate change and building concepts around it,

  • to create accessible online material for further use and capitalization,

  • to build a transnational strategy on how to adapt EduLARP methodology in school curricula.

The project involves teachers and students in the use of educational role-playing methods by creating stories related to green thinking and activities. The audiovisual opportunities will disseminate the results of the project in Europe and encourage the use of the role-play method to complement an experiential and varied learning process.


NGO Peipsi Center for Transboundary Cooperation - ESTONIA MTÜ Mõõgavennad - ESTONIA AeliaPath - GREECE Stimmuli For Cocial Change - GREECE LajvVerkstaden Sverige ekonomisk förening - SWEDEN Szkola Podstawowa im. Marii Wojcik w Krepcu - POLAND

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